Can You Qualify For Worker's Compensation For Depression?

Many people believe that you can only get worker's compensation if you've been physically injured. While the specific case law varies from state to state, you might be surprised to learn that you may qualify for workers compensation for emotional and mental health issues, including depression, provided that the problem was caused by your job. Here's a look at what you should know about depression and worker's compensation eligibility. You Can Get Benefits for Depression

How Walkers, Joggers, And Runners Can Prevent Dog Bites

One problem that many walkers, runners, and joggers face is the threat of dogs. Even a well-trained dog can become aggressive in many circumstances. If you exercise daily, it helps to know what you can do to prevent a dog bite. Understanding Why a Dog Might Bite Several factors can cause dogs to attempt to bite you. The dog fears for her pups The dog fears you for some reason You are encroaching on the dog's territory or space The dog is in pain One of the larger reasons a dog may attempt to bite you is because of a concept called "

What Can You Do If The Insurance Adjuster Is Not Offering A Fair Settlement?

Negotiations with an insurance company after an accident can go on for months. Unfortunately, the insurance company will try a range of tactics to prevent you from getting the settlement you are entitled to. If you are currently negotiating with the insurance company and there is no resolution in sight, here are some options you have to push for a conclusion to your case. Be Persistent One tactic that an insurance adjuster might use is to attempt to out-wait you.

Workers' Compensation Insurance: An Assigned Risk Plan

As an employer, being eligible for workers' compensation insurance can be problematic. Since most employers are obligated by law to cover their workers for workplace-related injuries or illnesses, it is important to know alternative ways to insure your workers if you cannot afford or obtain coverage from insurance companies. If you are in such a situation, a great option you can pursue is to enter an "assigned risk plan." This article will seek to explain what an assigned risk plan is and which employers could be suited for it.

4 Reasons You May Be Denied Workers' Compensation

If you've been hurt at work, this can cause a great deal of financial stress in your life. The challenges of getting your medical bills paid and making up missed workdays may simply be overwhelming. You may be able to receive workers' compensation for your financial losses, but you will need to ensure you meet the requirements for doing so. Knowing specific reasons why your claim may be denied will help you avoid this situation.